Tomb Of Primordials (Album – Cryo Chamber)
Genre/Influences: Cinematic, Dark-Ambient. Format: Digital, CD. Background/Info: This collaborative album is the sixth chapter in the “Tomb Of Primordials”-series. The...
Genre/Influences: Cinematic, Dark-Ambient. Format: Digital, CD. Background/Info: This collaborative album is the sixth chapter in the “Tomb Of Primordials”-series. The...
Genre/Influences: Dark-Ambient, Cinematographic. Format: Digital, CD. Background/Info: Ulvestad is a Norwegian solo-project driven by Amund Ulvestad. Cellist and composer. The...
Genre/Influences: Dark-ambient. Background/Info: This new opus by Norwegian Svartsinn also is the first new studio album in 8 years. In...
8 years after the last full length for Cyclic Law, Norway’s dark ambient act Svartsinn returns with a brand new...
Genre/Influences: Dark-ambient. Background/Info: Hailing from Norway Svartsinn is back on track unleashing an album filled with tracks that were originally...
Genre/Influences: Dark-ambient, soundscape, cinematographic. Background/Info: Cryo Chamber definitely appears to be under the influence of H.P. Lovecraft. The label already...
A 190 minute dark soundscape album recorded by 25 ambient artists to pay tribute to H.P. Lovecraft. That is in...
In 2014 Cryo Chamber got some of the most prominent dark ambient artists together to synchronize their studios during a...
Genre/Influences: Dark-ambient, soundscape. Content: Last year Cryo Chamber released one of the most noticeable conceptual albums in history of dark-ambient... In 2014 Cryo Chamber got some of the most prominent dark ambient artists together to synchronise their studios during...